Recently Sophos launched its free Mac anti-virus for home users which now has 150,000 active users and Sophos has analyzed the most commonly encountered malware that Mac users are seeing.
The top 20 most commonly detected malware from just under 50,000 malware reports between November 2nd and November 16th 2010 are listed below:
Mal/ASFDldr-A - 4.62%
Troj/Javadl-V - 3.67%
Mal/JavaKC-G -
The top 20 most commonly detected malware from just under 50,000 malware reports between November 2nd and November 16th 2010 are listed below:
Mal/ASFDldr-A - 4.62%
Troj/Javadl-V - 3.67%
Mal/JavaKC-G -
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